How to Claim Blogger Blog on Pinterest [2024]



how to claim blogger blog on pinterest featured

Do you want to claim your Blogger blog/website on Pinterest? You’re in the right place. In this tutorial, I will guide step-by-step on how to claim your Blogger blog/website on Pinterest and verify your ownership.

Claiming your website on Pinterest is a method through which Pinterest verifies the ownership of a website. It authenticates that you are the real owner of the website.

There are many benefits of claiming your website on Pinterest like (1) You can use Pinterest Analytics (2) The profile picture of your Pinterest account will be shown with all your Pins that come from your website (3) A small Globe Icon having a Tick over it will appear next to your website URL on Pinterest.


How to Claim Blogger on Pinterest

Follow the steps to claim your Blogger blog/website on Pinterest.

  • Click the Downward Arrow located at top-right corner.
  • Under the More options section click the Settings.
Click the Downward Arrow located at top-right corner. Under the More options section click the Settings.
  • Go to Claimed accounts from the Sidebar.
  • Click the Claim button corresponding to Websites.
Go to Claimed accounts from the Sidebar. Click the Claim button corresponding to Websites.

Pinterest offers 3 methods to claim your website (1) Add HTML tag (2) Upload HTML file (3) Add TXT record. With Blogger website/blog you can claim only with the first method i.e. Add HTML tag. The other two methods are not applicable for Blogger because it doesn’t allow access to root directory and domain DNS settings. If you have a self-hosted WordPress or WIX site you can claim it with any of the three methods.

Follow the steps to claim your Blogger blog on Pinterest via Add HTML tag method.

  • Go to Add HTML tag section and click the Click to copy to copy the HTML tag.
  • You have to Paste this copied HTML tag between the <head> </head> tags in your Blogger theme, as I have shown in the below steps.

Note: Do not close this window, as you have to comeback here again after adding the HTML tag in your Blogger theme.

Go to Add HTML tag section and click the Click to copy to copy the HTML tag.
  • Go to Theme from your Blogger sidebar.
  • Click the Downward Arrow attached next to CUSTOMIZE button.
Go to Theme from your Blogger sidebar. Click the Downward Arrow attached next to CUSTOMIZE button.
  • Click the Edit HTML option.
Click the Edit HTML option.
  • On your Blogger HTML Editor press Ctrl + F to open its Search Bar. Enter the </head> tag in the search bar.
  • Just above the </head> tag in the Blogger theme Paste the HTML tag that you have copied on Pinterest, as I have shown below.
  • Click the Save icon to update your Blogger theme. Now go back to Pinterest page “Choose how you want to claim” and follow the next steps.
Just above the </head> tag in the Blogger theme Paste the HTML tag that you have copied on Pinterest
  • Click the Continue button on Pinterest page.
Click the Continue button on Pinterest page.
  • On the Verify window enter your Blogger domain like “”.
  • Click the Verify button.
On the Verify window enter your Blogger domain like "".  Click the Verify button.
  • You can see that the Blogger domain is Connected. It means your Blogger blog has been verified.
  • Click the Done.
You can see that the Blogger domain is Connected. It means your Blogger blog has been verified.
  • Click the Get Started button.
Click the Get Started button.
  • You can see on the Claimed accounts that the Blogger domain is claimed. You can click the corresponding Unclaim button to unclaim the website.
You can see on the Claimed accounts that the Blogger domain is claimed. You can click the corresponding Unclaim button to unclaim the website.
  • Click the Downward Arrow located to top-right corner.
  • Click on your Account Name/User under the Currently in section to open the profile page.
  • You will see a Tick over a Globe icon which is placed next to your Blogger domain URL. It shows that this website is verified and belongs to you.
lick the Downward Arrow located to top-right corner. Click your Account Name/User under the Currently in section.  You will see a Tick over a Globe icon next to your Blogger domain URL.

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5 responses

  1. Avatar

    Please disregard previous message– found a YT video that instructed to place the HTML tag BELOW the tag, and that worked.

    1. Meer Basit

      I am glad that your issue is resolved. Thanks for visiting our site.

  2. Avatar

    Thank you for this very clear explanation. I attempted to claim two websites on Pinterest today using the “add HTML tag” method. These are my websites on Blogger:

    When I returned and entered the URLs into the Verify window and clicked Continue, Pinterest gave an error message in red, with a small red triangle containing an “x”, stating:
    “No relevant meta tag was found”

    I am using Google Chrome as browser, have refreshed both of my webpages after adding HTML code, and have refreshed Pinterest before continuing with the verification process. Do you have any thoughts about what might be hanging up the claim process?

  3. Avatar

    Thank you very much. I’ve been searching the web for ways to claim my blogger site in pinterest. Glad i cam across your blog. Thank you so much. Claim successful.

    1. Meer Basit

      You’re most welcome Felisa!

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