7 Reasons To Grow Beard | Clean-Shaven or Bearded Man?



7 Reasons To Grow Beard

It has always been a debate, whether men should grow/keep beard or not. Traditionally, a clean-shaven man was considered a gentleman or more handsome, but the trends have been changed now. Most of the men in today’s world prefer beard, whether it is long or short.

Following are the reasons why man should grow beard:

01. Religion

If you study monotheistic religions, there is a strong emphasis on keeping beard, especially Islam. According to Islam, beard adds shine to face, increases grace of men, look more mature and it gradually brings simplicity as well.

Monotheistic religions put strong emphasis on keeping beard. Cricketer Hashim Amla with log beard.

02. More Desirable

Hundreds of surveys have been conducted all around the world, most of the women feel that bearded men are more attractive as compared to the clean-shaven men.

Most of the women feel that bearded men are more attractive as compared to the clean-shaven men. Picture of footballer David Bechkam with beard

03. Offers More Styles

We see bearded men, some having short, some having long, some having average, you can make lot of styles. Like, we see most of celebrities and sportsmen often change their beard styles in order to give unique looks. Their styles are widely followed by fans as well.

You can make lot of styles with beard.

04. If You Have Ordinary Looks

Not everyone has got perfect looks. It is God’s choice, who creates people very attractive, attractive, average, and below average. Whatever, we all should be thankful to him, because he is the creator. If you have an ordinary look, and you want to look better and stylish, yes, you can grow beard, long or short, it will completely change your look.

You can grow beard to look different

05. Protection From UV Rays

Ultra Violet rays from sun burn your skin cells, because skin absorbs the Ultra Violet rays from sun. According to the recent researches, beard protects the face from Ultra Violet rays, block around 90% to 95%. It is one of the reasons that bearded men’s face looks fresh and healthy.

Beard protects the face from Ultra Violet rays, block around 90% to 95%.

06. Saves Money

It saves the cost of  shaving cream, razors, aftershave lotions, cosmetics, sunblocks, and time as well.

Beard saves the cost of  shaving cream, razors, aftershave lotions, cosmetics, sunblocks, and time as well.

07. Defend Your Laziness

There are so many men who don’t shave because of their laziness or dullness. By growing/keeping a beard they can make a pretext that beard is good for the protection of skin.

You can defend you laziness by leaving a beard

So these were some reasons to grow beard, hope you would have liked. If you like this post don’t forget to share with your friends. Share your feedback in the comments section below.

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