Complete Blogger/Blogspot Tutorials for Beginners [2024]



Complete Blogger Tutorials for beginners step by step

Are you a beginner and looking for complete step-by-step Blogger tutorials? You’re in the right place. In this post, I have listed all our Blogger tutorials that can help you to learn, set up, and customize your Blogger blog.

Blogger is one of the most popular free blogging platforms. It was owned by Google in 2003. The blogs on Blogger are created under the subdomain “”, and that’s why it is often called Blogspot.

In these Blogger/Blogspot tutorials, I have covered almost all the topics like how to create a blog on Blogger, How to set up Blogger settings, How to redirect Blogger blog to a customs domain, Blogger SEO, How to monetize a Blogger blog with Adsense, Introduction to Blogger HTML Editor, Blogger widgets, How to insert and use conditional tags, and many more..

01. How to Create a Blog on Blogger

In this tutorial, you can learn about How to sign up for Blogger using your Gmail Id and create a free blog on Blogger, How to choose a domain name, How to write your first blog post, How to write ideal blog post, How to grow blog traffic, and some other topics.

02. How to Set Up Blogger Settings

After you create a Blogger blog it is important to set up, configure, and manage its settings. There are total 16 settings on Blogger. This tutorial covers all those 16 settings section-by-section from top to bottom.

03. Introduction to Blogger HTML Editor

Blogger HTML Editor is a tool on which you compose/edit blog posts and pages. In these Blogger tutorials you will learn about (1) How to use the Blogger HTML Editor (2) Introduction to the important HTML tags which are used when you compose a post on Blogger HTML Editor (3) How to add Read More link on Blogger posts (4) How to create a link to jump to specific part of a posts/page on Blogger.

04. Introduction to Theme Customize Settings on Blogger

The Blogger Theme Customize settings allow you to quickly and easily customize and control your theme without touching its code. There are mainly three types of Theme Customize settings i.e. Background Settings, Advanced Settings, and Gadgets Settings.

To know more about the Theme Customize settings, read this tutorial:

05. How To Change Favicon on Blogger

A favicon is a small, 16×16 PNG or ICON image that is shown inside the browser’s Location Bar at top-left corner when your blog and its pages are opened. It acts as a small logo for your blog and uniquely identifies a blog and website.

In this tutorial, you will learn about how to change/upload a favicon on Blogger.

06. How To Remove Or Hide Navbar In Blogger

A navigation bar or navbar contains links to various pages or sections of a website. On some of the builtin Blogger themes it appears at top of your blog. It is often considered unnecessary and does not look good at top of the blog, so it is generally preferred to hide.

07. Blogger Author

In these Blogger tutorials you will learn about (1) How to show Author Profile below posts (2) How to increase the size of author’s image thumbnail (3) How to add an author on Blogger (4) How to filter Bloggers posts by authors and show Authors widget.

08. How to Show Blogger Posts On Twitter with Large Summary Image

When you share a Blogger post on Twitter it is shared with a small thumbnail, which is not as engaging as posts with a large thumbnail.

In this Blogger tutorial, you will learn about how to show your Blogger posts on Twitter with the large images.

09. How to Claim Website on Pinterest

In this Blogger tutorial, you will learn about how to claim your Blogger blog on Pinterest. It confirms that you are the owner of a website. After successfully claiming your website you can use Pinterest Analytics. A small Globe Icon having a Tick over it also appear next to your blog URL on Pinterest.

10. How to Show Zero Posts on Blogger’s Homepage

In this tutorial, you will learn about how to show zero posts on Blogger homepage. Instead of showing default posts on homepage you can show custom widgets.

11. How to Import/Backup Blogger Content

Import allows you to upload the backup on a Blogger blog and backup allows you to download the backup of your Blogger content(posts, pages, comments) to computer.

In this tutorial, you will lean about how to take the backup and import content on Blogger.

12. How to Import, Backup, and Install a Blogger Theme

In these tutorials, you will learn about how to import, backup, and Install a Blogger theme, both builtin and custom.

13. How to Delete a Blogger Blog Permanently

In this tutorial, you will learn about how to delete a blog on Blogger permanently.

14. How to Unlock, Move or Remove Gadgets on Blogger Layout

By default some of the widgets on Blogger Layout are not allowed to move and remove. By unlocking a gadget you can move it from one place to other on Layout and also remove it from layout.

In this Blogger tutorial you will learn about how to unlock widgets on Blogger Layout. 

15. Blogger Widgets

There are so many useful widgets that Blogger builtin themes do not provide, so in these tutorials you will get the code of different widgets and how to add them on Blogger like Most Recent Posts widget, Specific Label Posts widget, Related Posts widget, List of Authors widget, Contact Form on a Separate Page, and Clock Widget.

16. Conditional Tags on Blogger

By inserting a condition in Blogger theme for a widgets you can restrict them to appear/hide on certain page or pages like Homepage, Pages, Item Pages, Labels, Specific Label, Specific Page, and Specific Item Page.

In this Blogger tutorial, you will learn about different types of pages and conditional tags on Blogger, and how to insert these conditional tags in Blogger theme.

17. Blogger SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is used to optimize your blog/website to perform better on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

In these Blogger tutorials, you will learn about How to add sitemap, Custom robots.txt, How to link your blog with Google Search Console, How to link your blog to Google Analytics, etc.

18. Redirect Blogger Domain to Custom Domain

All the Blogger blogs are the subdomains of “”. Blogger provides you an optional feature called Custom Domain. It allows you to redirect your subdomain “” to a custom domain (standard domain). A blog with a custom domain looks more professional.

To know more about How to choose a domain name, How to buy a domain for Blogger, How to redirect your “.blogspot” URL to custom domain, and How to redirect naked domain to “www”, read these tutorials.

19. Blogger Monetization With Google Adsense

Google AdSense is one of the most popular pay-per-click program that allows you to monetize your blogs and YouTube channels with Google Ads.

In these tutorials, you will learn about how to apply for Google AdSense with your Blogger blog, and some other content related to AdSense.

20. Change Blogger Contact Us Email

In order to know why it is important to change Blogger Contact Us email and how to change Blogger Contact Us email on Blogger, read this tutorial:

21. Blogger Comments Settings

In this tutorial, you will learn about how to show/hide comments box and enable/disable comments on Blogger.

22. Post Using Email

Post Using Email allows you to send and publish an email as a blog post on your Blogger blog. To know more about how to use Post Using Email feature on Blogger, read this tutorial:

23. Blogger To WordPress Migration

WordPress is the most popular, flexible, and advanced blogging platform. If you want to migrate your Blogger blog to WordPress then follow these tutorials:

24. Blogger Templates/Themes

In order to remain up to date with latest blog designs and trends you need responsive/mobile-friendly Blogger templates. The builtin Blogger templates are very few and do not meet all the requirements of a professional blog.

Also Read: Buy Professional Blogger Templates | For All Niches

Below are our handpicked responsive Blogger templates that you might find interesting for your blog. You can also hire a professional Blogger Developer to customize your existing template or design a new one for you.

If you like this post then don’t forget to share with other people. Share your feedback in the comments section below.

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