How to Turn On/Off Windows Defender In Windows 10



How To Turn On/Off Windows Defender In Windows 10

Do you want to know how to turn on/off Windows Defender in Windows 10? You’re in the right place. In this tutorial, I will guide you step-by-step on how to turn on/off Windows Defender in Windows 10.

Windows 10 has a builtin antivirus and anti-malware software called Windows Defender or Windows 10 antivirus. It is ranked as one of the best antivirus software that gives you real-time protection from virus and threats.

At times you want to turn off the Windows Defender to stop real-time protection because it does not allow you to install software activators, unknown software, or to create files like .bat, etc. Most of the anti-virus software stop such software to install on your computer because they consider them potentially vulnerable and could damage Windows and your personal files.

How to Turn On/Off Windows Defender

Follow the steps to turn on/off Windows Defender in Windows 10.

  • Enter “windows security settings” in the Windows Search Bar, located at your bottom-left corner.
  • Click on the “Windows Security settings“.
Enter "windows security settings" in the Windows Search Bar, located at your bottom-left corner. Click on the "Windows Security settings"
  • Click on the “Virus & threat protection“.
Click on the "Virus & threat protection".
  • Scroll down to “Virus & threat protection settings” section.
  • Click on the “Manage settings“.
Scroll down to "Virus & threat protection settings" section. Click on the "Manage settings".
  • Under the “Real-time protection” turn on or turn off the real-time protection.
Under the "Real-time protection" turn on or turn off the real-time protection

If you have turned-off  Windows Defender for installing a software don’t forget to turn on the Windows Defender after the installation, as it is very critical for the security of your Windows.

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4 responses

  1. Avatar

    Thanks so much.
    it's work. d( ^ ^ )b

    1. Meer Basit

      You’re most welcome Ronger!

  2. Avatar

    Thanks a lot, u r awesome

    1. Meer Basit

      That’s so sweet of you.

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