Are you looking for cheap, fast performance, SEO ready, elegant and responsive Blogger templates with infinite scrolling for your photography website? You are in the right place.
I have handpicked one of the best professional photography Blogger templates for your website. Once you go through our list, you would love them.
These amazing photography Blogger themes come with all those features that a professional photographers, picture bloggers or artists search for their photography or portfolio website, present your photography work in an amazing and eye-catching way.
These Blogger templates contain features, like:
- Infinite scrolling, Fixed height and Auto height
- 100% responsive, Pagination with numbering
- Fully customizable, Social Media widgets(Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr)
- Related posts widget, Ads support
- Cross-browser compatibility, Mobile friendly
- Toggle sidebar, Light Box full image preview
- Support video sharing sites(YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc )
- Multi-level menus, Mega Menus, Advance sliders and many more…
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01. Salbuta
Salbuta is one of the most advanced responsive Blogger templates for photography websites with amazing rich features that you won’t find in other Blogger themes. It has 4 posts layouts and 4 multiple layout styles. Almost all the features could be toggled on and off. It has a gadget to show featured posts on homepage in 2 styles, slideshow and carousel. Sidebar appears at left when you click the Side Gadgets.
It has a Grid Posts Filter to sort posts using label names that can be adjusted from the gadget. It has Grid Posts View option to select between expanding or shrinking posts. Expanding posts will show full posts or shrinking posts will show images only with title in a tooltip. It has a fantastic drop & drag mega menus and stylish large footer as well.
Features: RTL Supported, UiKit 3 Based Theme, Related posts widget with slider, 1 & 2 Columns, Wavy Style, Sticky Header, SEO Optimized, ads support, Infinite Scrolling, YouTube Videos Support, Customized Social Icons Gadget and many more..

02. PhotoVid
PhotoVid is an amazing, extremely gorgeous, feature-rich, multi-layout, and multi-purpose template. It has 3 layouts in one template. PhotoVid can auto-generate audio-video post thumbnails of YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Podsnack, 8traks, and many more.
At top there is an amazing stunning Mega Menu that also contains Contact US form – Unique feature. I bet you wouldn’t have seen such a stunning mega menu before in a template. Menu is followed by a large header having a very advance automatic post slider.
Header is followed by featured-posts photos in responsive 3 column layout. Featured posts are followed by Recent Updates photo posts in responsive 3 column layout that includes a Search widget and multi-tab sidebar. There is a stylish footer that consists of Label posts, labels, Author profile and social media icons.
Features: Multilingual Ready (RTL Support), Disqus Comment system, Powerful Admin Theme, Post Typography, Auto detects Video posts, Auto detects Audio posts, Template Customizer…

03. Oliver
Oliver is an elegant, unique, modern, and beautiful template. It has a responsive homepage slider with touch support and a separate blog page for sharing your thoughts. On hover over the image you see post title and Pinterest share icon. It has a fixed vertical menu at left sidebar followed by Flickr widget.
Features: 2 in 1 – Fixed height and Auto Height, Infinite Scrolling for label and archive pages, Hidden sidebar on small screen, The Instagram widget can be replaced with Flickr and Pinterest, Related posts widget on item pages, Customized comments section, and many more…
Layout 1

Layout 2

04. Lara
Lara is also a very elegant, fast, modern and unique template for photography similar to Oliver, but there are only two differences, one, the hover effect on image is a bit different, and second, the Flickr widget is missing, otherwise the design is same as Oliver.
Features: Infinite Scrolling, Pinterest sharing button, Related Picture On item pages, hidden Sidebar on Small screen, Supports popular social Media Icons via FontAwesome, Customized comments and many more…

05. DEX
DEX is a modern and extremely beautiful multi-purpose template for photography, portfolio, travel, fashion, & personal websites with 8 different homepage layouts. It has a huge stylish post slider at top that almost covers half of the the screen vertically.
Post Slider is followed by medium sized photos in the combination of two per row, vertically. The post links appear on hover over photos. Sidebar and menu are hidden, appears at right side when you click the hamburger icon. There is a huge nice footer at bottom.
Features: Masonry layout, Beautiful typography, Sticky Navbar, Multiple posts styles, 4 Top area layouts, Recent comments gadget, Related posts widget, Translation ready, Custom 404 page, Fully customizable, and many more…

06. Studio
Studio is a modern, unique, stylish template for photography websites. It has a separate blog section as well where you can write articles about your views or make announcements. There is no top header, instead there is a 3 column layout for photos. Item page has been designed very elegantly. The vertical menu in the left sidebar is followed by some social media icons.
Features: Infinite Scrolling, Lightbox Full Image Preview, Stylish Related Posts, Menu Supports Touchscreen, Click To Reveal Sidebar on Small Screens, Supports 100s of Icons via FontAwesome, Customized Comments Section, and many more…

07. Verbose
Verbose is a modern, elegant, and fast performance template for photography websites and picture bloggers. You can easily add or remove short post snippet on home and category pages.
There is a large header at top having logo and social media sharing icons, followed by a multi-level menu. Sidebar is hidden by default, it appears at the left side when you click hamburger icon. Menu is followed by photos linked to posts, are arranged in a responsive three-column layout vertically.
Features: Infinite Scroll, Lightbox Full Image Preview, Responsive Design, Toggle Sidebar, Adoptive Background Hover, Related Posts, Instagram Social Widget, Customized Comments Section, and many more…

08. PhotoHall
PhotoHall is a dynamic, extremely attractive, and fast template for photography blog. It has 6 layouts styles, 5 grid styles, and 4 posts styles. There is a small menu at top along with the social media icons followed by large header with white background that holds logo and ads widget.
Header is followed by a fantastic mega menu which is followed by a large responsive post slider that holds 3 posts per view.
Menu is followed by 3 column layout for photos linked with posts. There are also various spots for displaying ads in between. A magnificent large footer with 3 column layout consists of Contact Us widget, Search widget, Popular photos widget, Popular posts widget, Labels widget, Archive widget and Follow by email widget.
There is also a very stylishly designed item page, probably the best one among all other themes.
Features: Multiple Layout Styles, FontAwesome CSS Icons, Bootstrap Based Theme, Owl Carousel, Masonry Grid, YouTube Videos Support, Pages Numbering, SEO & Adverts, and many more…

09. ShadowLight
ShadowLight is an extremely fast, very simple, responsive masonry style Blogger template for photography websites. It has a large Featured post at header. The static sidebar has a hamburger icon for menu.
Header is followed by 2 column layout that displays posts vertically. There is a very simple footer that consists of Search widget, Popular posts widget, Archive widget and Blogger tags widget.
Features: SEO ready, Threaded comments, Google fonts, Masonry effect, FontAwesome icons, Auto Post Summary, and many more…

10. NightStorm
NightStorm is an extremely fast and unique Blogger template. It has a very different design, like theme is completely covered by large photos linked with the posts. Its layout is like, it starts with a large photo followed by two half-size photos, then again, there is a one large photo followed by two half-size photos.
There is a static left sidebar that appears when you click the hamburger icon. At bottom there is a huge 3-column layout footer which consists of Category, Archive and Popular posts widgets.
Features: Content Focused, FontAwesome Icons, Multi-footer support, Google fonts, and many more…

So these were my top 10 handpicked responsive Blogger templates for photography website. It is up to you now that which template you pick depending on your requirements. If you like this post then don’t forget to share with other people. Share your feedback in the comments section below.
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