How to Create Free Outlook Email Account | MS Email Service



How To Create Free Outlook Email Account Step-By-Step

Do you want to create a free email account? You are in the right place. I will guide you-step-by-step on how to create a free account.

You must have heard of Hotmail email service and there were many people who had Hotmail accounts, which was later discontinued in October, 2011 by Microsoft and relaunched Hotmail email service as in 2012.

There were many reasons to upgrade Hotmail to One of the main reasons was security vulnerabilities. Hotmail email accounts would easily hack and data privacy was at stake.

How to Create Free Outllook Email Account

Follow the steps to create a free Outlook email account.

Go to Click on the Create free account button.
  • Enter a unique Email name.
  • There are 2 options, and
  • Choose
  • Click on the Next button.
Enter a unique Email name. There are 2 options, and Choose
  • Enter a secure Password.
  • Click on the Next button.
Enter a secure Password. Click on the Next button.
  • Enter your First Name.
  • Enter your Last Name.
  • Click on the Next button.
Enter your First Name. Enter your Last Name. Click on the Next button.
  • Choose your Country.
  • Select your Birthday Month, Day, & Year.
  • Click on the Next button.
Choose your Country. Select your Birthday Month, Day, & Year. Click on the Next button.
  • Enter the security check characters.
  • Click on the Next button.
Enter the security check characters. Click on the Next button.
  • Choose your Country.
  • Enter your Phone Number.
  • Click on the Send code.
  • Click on the Next button.
Choose your Country. Enter your Phone Number. Click on the Send code. Click on the Next button.
  • Enter the code that you will receive on your phone.
  • Click on the Next button.
Enter the code that you will receive on your phone. Click on the Next button.
  • You will be redirected to your email account dashboard. The dashboard is pretty simple and user-friendly. You can edit your Security and Profile from Settings.
You will be redirected to your email account dashboard.
  • If you logout from your account and want to sign-in again open this URL:
  • Click on the Sign In, and enter your Outlook ID and Password.

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