How to Delete your Blogger Blog Permanently



How To Delete/Restore Blogger Blog

Do you want to delete your Blogger blog permanently? You’re in the right place.

Blogger is a free platform for creating blogs and websites, and that’s why some people create blogs for fun or just for an experiment. When they don’t find it interesting instead of leaving the blog stagnant on internet they prefer to delete.


How to Delete Blogger Blog Permanently

Follow the steps to delete your Blogger blog permanently.

  • If you have more than one blog on Blogger choose the one that you want to delete.
  • Go to Settings from the sidebar.
  • Scroll down to “Manage Blog” section and click “Remove your blog“.
Go to Settings from the sidebar. Scroll down to "Manage Blog" section and click "Remove your blog"
  • Once you click the DELETE it will show you two options i.e. PERMANENTLY DELETE  & UNDELETE. If you click UNDELETE your delete will be cancelled, and if you click PERMANENTLY DELETE your blog will be removed permanently and you will not be able to restore.
Once you click the DELETE it will show you two options i.e. PERMANENTLY DELETE  & UNDELETE.

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